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Product Limit

Product Limit This app allows store admins to set a purchase limit on products individually, even if global quantity purchase limits are applied to them. https://magecomp.gitbook.io/shopify/apps/kor-order-limit-quantity/product-limit/product-limit#step-1 Step #1 Go to Product Limit ➤ Product Limit ➤ Add Limit [KOR Order Limit Quantity - Add Product Limit] https://magecomp.gitbook.io/shopify/apps/kor-order-limit-quantity/product-limit/product-limit#step-2 Step #2 Search the product name and ...


Dashboard This is the section from where you need to enable the app for your Shopify store. https://magecomp.gitbook.io/shopify/apps/kor-order-limit-quantity/dashboard#choose-app-language Choose App Language Choose the language in which you want to have your app. https://magecomp.gitbook.io/shopify/apps/kor-order-limit-quantity/dashboard#app-status App Status To start using the app for your Shopify store, the first step is to enable the app. For that, you need to follow a few steps. Step ...