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Product Limit

Product Limit

This app allows store admins to set a purchase limit on products individually, even if global quantity purchase limits are applied to them.

Step #1

Go to Product Limit Product Limit Add Limit

KOR Order Limit Quantity - Add Product Limit
Step #2

Search the product name and set its min & max quantity purchase limits.

KOR order limit qty - applying limits on product

Product: Search for the product name on whose variant the purchase limit is to be set.

Min Limit: Set the min limit.

Max Limit: Set the max limit.

Multiply Qty: Set the number in whose multiples customers can make a purchase (if needed).

Future Limit Qty: Set the limit for future purchase limits (if needed).

Suppose you've set the following limits for BRUTON Men Sport Shoes product.

Min Limit
Max Limit
Multiply Qty
Future Limit Qty

BRUTON Men Sport Shoes





According to the above rules, now customers can buy a minimum of 10 OR a maximum of 20 of the BRUTON Men Sport Shoes.

Frontend Result:

If someone tries to purchase a product whose quantity does not meet the minimum purchase quantity, then this notification pops up on your customer's screen.

If someone tries to purchase a product whose quantity does not meet the maximum purchase quantity, then this notification pops up on your customer's screen.

If you set Multiply Qty to 3 for the product, then your customers can buy that product in quantities of 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, etc., which are multiples of 3.

Your customer cannot buy products with numbers like 1, 4, or 7 because they aren't multiples of 3.